Friday, December 13, 2013

Pop Art Printmaking

This lesson was a printmaking lesson focused on Pop Art. In this lesson I first taught about what pop art was and Andy Warhol’s contributions to Pop Art. We learned about color, pattern, balance and unity in Pop art and how it affects the way we see art. The lesson focused on how Pop Art takes everyday items and makes them extraordinary and also focused on the way  Pop Art questions people description  of art. We also covered the basic vocabulary of printmaking and how to do it. The project was to make a combination of four of the same print with different colors using a common logo or object they see everyday life as their design. They were supposed to include elements of color, pattern, balance and unity when creating their design. 

A possible extension activity for this project would be to explore our ideas of art, I would bring in many everyday objects along with some paintings. I would then have the students separate the items into art and not art then we would discuss why we found some items to be art while the other considered just an everyday object. We would then discuss the elements of art we see in the everyday object that could make it be considered art and how art is used in everyday life.

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